
Recupération de Matière

Cyclone Dust Collector with Collection Chamber
(Code: ASP800)
Aspiration D'Etabli avec Collecteur FOREDOM
1.179,00 €
Single Suction Mobile PRODENT
(Code: ASP951)
Aspiration PRODENT Z1-M10 Mobile Seul - CEE
2.039,00 €
Fishmouth with Bench Pin Assembly
(Code: AUG924)
Augette D' Emerisage avec Grille Foredom
219,00 €
Recorvery Tank polypropylène Diam 400 x 19L x H 465mm
(Code: EVI970)
Bac de Décantation Polypropylène Diam 400 x 19L x H 465mm
379,00 €
Lighted Work Chamber, Universal
(Code: CAB005)
Cabine de Travail Universelle - Ecl + Air Com + Protection
449,00 €
Charcoal for V1020 Bench-Pin Vacuum / per pair
(Code: CHA017)
43,00 €
Charcoal for Airbox Vacuum / per pear
(Code: CHA015)
37,00 €
Bench Pin Assembly, W/Wooden Block & GRS Mount
(Code: AUG925)
Cheville pour Augette D' Emerisage Foredom
41,00 €
Decanting Device for Portative Aspiration
(Code: ASP955)
Décanteur Metal Pour Aspiration Portative
349,00 €
Filter For Colector Foredom
(Code: ASP803)
Filtre de Rechange pour Collecteur Foredom
12,00 €
Filter felt triangular pocket conic
(Code: FIL262)
Filtre Feutre Poche Triangulaire Cônique/ 1µ
54,00 €
Filter Media for sink 8 x 0.48 meter
(Code: FIL259)
Filtre Média Filtrant Lavabo 8 x 0.48 Mètres
49,00 €
Aspiration Filter Prodenthèse - 4000
(Code: ASP963)
Filtre Sac Fin pour Aspiration Pro V4000
23,00 €
spare pump for sink
(Code: POM506)
252,00 €
bag x 20 pcs for settling tank 19 L
(Code: EVI970-SAC)
Sac x20 pcs pour Bac de Décantation 19 L
25,00 €
Copper Sulphate - UN3077, 9, III - 1 Kg
(Code: SUL715)
Sulfate de Cuivre - UN3077, 9, III - Pot de 1Kg
21,50 €
pipe for portative aspiration
(Code: ASP965)
Tuyau Ø 36 mm Sans Manchon Aspiration Prodent
16,00 €